Thursday 25 September 2014

Dll Repair Tool - Fix Dll Errors and Speed Up Your Computer!

Are you looking for a program which can fix dll errors on your system? Do you wanna speed up your computer?
SmartPCFixer is so easy to use,even the least experienced user can easily fix dll errors with this tool.

In this article we will talk about how to fix dll errors and other errors and make your computer run faster. You may notice your computer being slow directly after turning on your computer. This is a normal part of the boot-up process, and it can take several minutes for your computer to finish booting up completely after your desktop comes up.

What are Dll Files? - Dll Repair Tool!

The job of a DLL is very important! Any one DLL is relied upon by many applications for the data and functions they need to work properly and one DLL could possibly be providing resources for several applications at the same time! So now we have all these different applications trying to check out the same book. If someone forgets to return it or tears out a page, then there is going to be a problem!

So you see... if you have an error with one of these DLL's, it could begin to effect many applications on your computer and should something happen to a DLL that your Windows operating system is using, your entire system could become unstable!

Why am I getting Dll Errors? - Dll Repair Tool!

Your probably wondering, “Why am I getting this error? I didn't DO anything!”
Most applications will load the DLL files it require at startup. If any of these are not found the system will not be able to start the process at all.

How to Easily Fix a .DLL error... - Dll Repair Tool!

The vast majority of DLL errors are caused by errors in your system registry. All it takes is one innocent mistake to cause a major headache, and often times this mistake can only be found using an automated tool. Thankfully, although the problems they cause can be very hard to track down and painful to fix manually, the mistakes in your registry causing the errors are very easily repaired when you have the right tool.

The tool we recommend you use is SmartPCFixer. It is a very simple, lightweight and easy to use application from SmartPCFixer. It will automatically detect .DLL errors and correct them for you. It will also correct any other errors in your registry, which is essentially the filing system for those libraries we were talking about earlier. ( click here to download SmartPCFixer )

Downloading a .dll file

In some situations, it may be possible to download or copy a .dll file from another computer onto your computer to resolve the issue. However, because .dll error messages are almost always a more serious issue, replacing the missing .dll file is only going to causes additional errors, try the below suggestions before trying to find a .dll file to download.If you want to fix dll errors yourself, there is some suggestions you may need:

Safe Mode: If you're encountering .dll errors that are preventing you from getting into Windows, to troubleshoot the computer, boot the computer into Safe Mode. Once successfully in Safe Mode, you can continue with the steps below. If your computer boots normally and can bypass the .dll errors and still operate Windows, you can continue following the steps below.

Microsoft Windows XP and above users: If you're a Microsoft Windows XP or later Microsoft has included some tools that can help resolve .dll file errors; before trying any of the below recommendations you, may want to first try the below suggestions.

Windows SFC command: Use the Windows XP SFC command to have windows scan and repair files; to run this command, follow the steps below. Additional information about the SFC command can be found on our SFC command page.
1.Click Start 2.Click Run 3. Type "sfc /scannow" and press enter.
Once the above steps have been completed, Windows will verify that all protected windows files are intact. Issue with .dll files only with a specific program
If you're encountering the missing, corrupt, or other errors relating to .dll files only when you open or run a program, it's likely an issue with that program. Resolving program-specific errors can be much easier than operating system related .dll errors.If the program you're attempting to run has worked in the past on your computer and has only recently started to get the .dll errors, reinstalling the program generating the errors will almost always resolve your problem.

Recently uninstalled program: If you have recently uninstalled a program on the computer, that program may have removed a .dll file that is necessary for Windows or a Windows program to work properly. If you've already tried the above recommendations, you may want to reinstall the program to get whatever file has been deleted back on the computer. If this resolves your .dll error message and you want to uninstall the program again, during the uninstall process, make sure that you click "No" or "No to all" when asked to delete a system file or any file that may be used by another program.

Recently installed program: If you have recently installed a program and after the installation began encountering your .dll error messages, we suggest you first check if updates are available for the program. In some situations, a program may need to be updated for it to work properly on your computer. Updates are often found through the developer's website.

If no updates are available for the program, try uninstalling the program to resolve the issue. If this does correct your issue, we suggest you contact the developer of the program for additional support on getting the program installed on the computer without it causing errors. A virus, spyware, or other malware program can also cause .dll errors, therefore, we suggest users make sure to run a full virus and spyware scan on your computer.

Clean Your Desktop - Dll Repair Tool!

Is your Windows Desktop dotted with files? Have you noticed that your computer has been running slower and slower? Do you see the hard drive light often flashing while you wait for the computer to respond to an action? There are steps you can take to fix it. Read this article.

Viruses and malware, such as tracking programs.

Restore Your System - Dll Repair Tool!

First, try restoring the computer back to an earlier date, this troubleshooting step is a quick and easy recommendation that can resolve lots of problems with Microsoft Windows computers.
If you have done all the above steps and your computer does not become more responsive, you might consider reinstalling the operating system and programs. This is a scorched earth option - basically you backup all your data and user settings, wipe your hard drive clean and re-install the operating system with your original disks. Next, install all your favorite programs and restore all your data and user settings.

Update and Scan Your Windows System for Errors - Dll Repair Tool!

If you're still on Windows 7, it might be a good time to consider an upgrade.

Adjust Visual Effects for Better Performance - Dll Repair Tool!

Many PCs have too much software, such as programs that are no longer used and they can be uninstalled to free up disk space. You could go to the Control Panel, open Programs and Features, and then uninstall software you haven't used in the last six months.
Important Note: Doing this when there is a brown out or power problem in the neighborhood, is not a good idea. If a computer turns off while it is defragmenting a drive, it will create more problems than not defragmenting it in the first place.

Click Here to Download SmartPCFixer Free:

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